A critical look at evaluations


Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 6

A Critical Look at Evaluations - Liket, Rey-Garcia and Maas

How do we evaluate philanthropic organizations? What are the criteria for a good evaluation?

While this question is at the heart of the sector's concerns, Anne Monier presents an article that takes a critical look at evaluations. Co-authored by Kellie Liket, Marta Rey-Garcia and Karen Maas, the article is entitled "Why aren't evaluations working and what to do about it".

This podcast is only available in French.

The five main ideas of the article:

In this episode, Anne Monier returns to the five main ideas developed in the article:

  • The Pressure to evaluate

  • Despite this pressure, philanthropic organizations have made little progress in their evaluation practices

  • Collaboration among stakeholders is both necessary and complex

  • It is important to ask why evaluations are being done

  • Proposed framework to assist philanthropic organizations in their evaluations

➡️ Listen to the whole episode to find out more!

Other articles on the topic

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