Discover here all the publications of the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair: academic articles, books, book chapters and studies.
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Co-dirigé par Arthur Gautier (Odile Jacob, 2024) Les mots qui disent la philanthropie
Monier A. (2024), La diplomatie culturelle française : un écosystème à la frontière du public et du privé. L’exemple de la donation Rockefeller , in Chaubet F., Faucher C., Martin L. et Peyre N. Histoire(s) de la diplomatie culturelle française. Du rayonnement à l’influence, Editions de l’Attribut
Monier A., Leaving a Trace: Donor Plaques as Material Evidences of Generosity?. In: Comunello, F., Martire, F., Sabetta, L. (eds) What People Leave Behind. Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research, vol. 7
Monier A., The Mobilization of the Philanthropic Sector for the Climate : A New Engement ? in Kassiola J. & Luke T. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Politics and Theory, Palgrave Macmillan
Gautier A., Pache A-C., Santos F. (2023)
Making sense of hybrid practices: The role of individual adherence to institutional logics in impact investing, Organization Studies
Battilana, J., Pache A-C., Spencer C. (2023)
An integrative model of hybrid governance: The role of boards in helping sustain organizational hybridity, Academy of Management ReviewVol. 47, No. 2
Monier, A. Quand la philanthropie rencontre le monde culturel : enjeux et perspectives. Regards croisés sur l'économie, 30-31, pp. 50-59.
Pache, A.-C., Fayard, A.-L., & Galo, M. How Can Cross-Sector Collaborations Foster Social Innovation? A Review. In A. Vaccaro & T. Ramus (Eds.), Social Innovation and Social Enterprises: Toward a Holistic Perspective (pp. 35–62). Springer International Publishing.
Monier, A. Philanthropes en 1900. Londres, New York, Paris, Genève. Christian Topalov, Créaphis, 2019. [Recension]. Revue d’histoire de la protection sociale, 1(14), pp 166-169.
Monier, A. « Faire le bien » à l’international ? Le manque de légitimité des Amis Américains des institutions culturelles françaises, in Ruiz de Elvira Laura & Saeidnia Sahar Aurore, Les mondes de la bien-faisance. Les pratiques du bien au prisme des sciences sociales, CNRS Editions.
Gautier, A., Pache, A.-C., Chowdhury, I., & Ligonie, M. The Missing Link: Communities of Practice as Bridges Between Institutional Entrepreneurs and Frontline Practitioners in Institutionalizing a Divergent Practice. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 71,199-230.
Lefèvre Sylvain A., & Monier Anne, Philanthropes en démocratie, coll. La vie des idées, ed. Puf.
Pache, A.-C., Delanoë, E., & Tompkins-Stange, M. A Community Foundation for the Nation. Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Battilana, J., Obloj, T., Pache, A.-C., & Sengul, M. Beyond Shareholder Value Maximization: Accounting for Financial/Social Tradeoffs in Dual-Purpose Companies. Academy of Management Review, In press.
Battilana, J., Pache, A.-C., Sengul, M., & Kimsey, M. Les clés d'une gestion hybride réussie. Harvard Business Review (France), (4), 67-75.
Gautier, A. Historically contested concepts: A conceptual history of philanthropy in France, 1712-1914. Theory and Society, 48(1), 95-129.
Pache, A.-C., & Molecke, G. How Do We Know When Social Innovation Works? A Review and Contingency Model of Social Impact Assessment. In: Gerard George, Dean and Lee Kong Chian eds. Handbook of Inclusive Innovation: The Role of Organizations, Markets and Communities in Social Innovation. 1st ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 83-106.
Van Schie, S., Gautier, A., Pache, A.-C., & Güntert, S. What Keeps Corporate Volunteers Engaged: Extending the Volunteer Work Design Model with Self-determination Theory Insights. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(3), 693–712.
Leca, B., Sandford, S., Cognat., A., S., Pache, A.-C., Mato-Santiso, V., Hyanek, V., & Krlev, G.
Cross-Sector Partnerships: A Social Innovation in the European Work Integration Sector, Routledge.
André, K., Bureau, S., Gautier, A., & Rubel, O. Beyond the opposition between altruism and self-interest: Reciprocal giving in reward-based crowdfunding. Journal of Business Ethics, 146(2), 313-332.
Gautier, A., & de Nervaux, L. 2017. Research on giving in France, ERNOP, 99-114.
Sandford, S., Pache, A.-C., & Gautier, A. Case study: Donations Within Limits. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 14(1), 20-25.
André, K. & Pache, A.-C. From Caring Entrepreneur to Caring Enterprise: Addressing the Ethical Challenges of Scaling up Social Enterprises. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(4), 659-675.
Battilana, J., Sengul, M., Pache, A.-C., & Model, J. Harnessing Productive Tensions in Hybrid Organizations: The Case of Work Integration Social Enterprises. Academy of Management Journal, 58(6), 1658-1685.
Santos, F., Pache, A.-C., & Birkholz, C. Making Hybrids Work: Aligning Business Models and Organizational Design for Social Enterprises. California Management Review, 57(3), 36-58.
Gautier, A., Pache, A.-C., & Mossel, V. Giving in France: A philanthropic renewal after decades of distrust. In: P. Wiepking & F. Handy (ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy. 1st ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 137-154.
Gautier, A., Bothello, J., Seghers, V., Delsol, X. and Le Brun, F. Les fondations actionnaires : première étude européenne. Paris: Prophil.
Stievenart, E., &
Pache, A.-C. Évaluer l'impact social d'une entreprise sociale : Points de repères. Revue Internationale de l'Economie Sociale - RECMA, 331(1), 76-92.
André, K., Gheerbrant, C., & Pache, A.-C.
Changer d'échelle: Manuel pour maximiser l'impact des entreprises sociales. Cergy-Pontoise: ESSEC Business School.