

What is Together?

Together is ESSEC Business School’s comprehensive 360° social and environmental transition initiative. Environmental challenges, along with ongoing health and social issues, question our current major balances. These challenges require a rethinking of our organizations, their economic models, and their tools. In this context, ESSEC aims to support and influence the ecological and social transition of our societies through education and research, as well as by implementing an ambitious approach in collaboration with its stakeholders and territories.


The school's actions focus on three main categories:

In these areas, the school has initiated around fifty transformation projects. Since 2020, all stakeholders involved in the school's governance have aligned with this strategy, which serves as the roadmap for its social and environmental transition.


As one of these stakeholders, the Philanthropy Chair, which has closely examined philanthropic phenomena since 2011, is fully committed to this strategic initiative.

Anne-Claire Pache, the academic director of the Together initiative and Director of Strategy and Societal Engagement at ESSEC since 2020, was also our chair holder from 2011 to 2023.

Discover other ESSEC actors around the Together initiative: