The Philanthropy Chair regularly organizes events for professionals in the philanthropy sector. These include our traditional Lunch & Learn seminars (51 editions to date), as well as other conferences organized on a more occasional basis on key topics surrounding philanthropy. The objective is to allow everyone to understand what philanthropy is and what the main issues are.
Discover on this page our upcoming events as well as all the replays of our past events. Click on the links below to move between sections:
Our conferences
Our Lunch & Learn seminars
Designed as a series of meetings, the main objective of the Lunch & Learn seminars of the Philanthropy Chair is to enable professionals working in the various areas of the philanthropy sector (foundations, corporate philanthropy, fundraising, philanthropy consultancy, etc.) to take a step back from their practices and to exchange their thoughts on certain strategic subjects, informed by the results of research. In particular, the European and international dimension is privileged.
About forty participants who have registered in advance gather around two speakers - one academic, one practitioner - who address the same issue encountered by philanthropic actors from complementary angles.
The presentation time is relatively short (20 minutes per speaker) to allow for a comfortable and most fruitful exchange (50 minutes). The Philanthropy Chair's Lunch & Learn sessions are organized 4 to 5 times a year, on a weekday during lunch (12.15pm-2pm), and take place on ESSEC's Executive Education campus, at Cnit-La Défense. They are led by Anne-Claire Pache and Arthur Gautier.
Some presentations are in English, others in French, depending on the speakers.
All seminars are recorded and available in replay.
In February 2024, the Chair organized its 50th Lunch & Learn. To celebrate the occasion, we produced an infographic that looks back on this achievement:
All previous Lunch & Learn seminars
Philanthropie et transition juste : paroles de fondations ( Forthcoming - 26 mars 2025) 🇫🇷
Reimagining philanthropy in the Global South in a post-Covid world (3 December 2024)
Philanthropy for systems change: What foundations can do (18 June 2024)
Philanthropie et territoires : enjeux, défis et perspectives pour le secteur des fondations en France (3 April 2024) 🇫🇷
The journey from entrepreneurship to philanthropy (8 February 2024)
Tainted money, tainted donors: How to address ethical dilemmas in fundraising? (12 December 2023)
Environmental impact bonds: How can they help finance the ecological transition (28 September 2023) 🇫🇷
Giving in the economy (11 April 2023) 🇫🇷
Philanthropy in hospitals: How legitimate and useful in a health care system in crisis? (23 November 2022) 🇫🇷
Philanthropy and religion in the United States and Europe: Roots, evolutions, and prospects (17 June 2022) 🇬🇧 🇫🇷
Fundraising : Comment solliciter les donateurs de manière "optimale" ? (12 April 2022) 🇫🇷
The governance of grantmaking foundations: Common pitfalls and best practices (18 February 2022)
Blockchain & cryptocurrencies for philanthropy (14 October 2021)
Les héritiers rebelles : quand les philanthropes s'engagent pour la justice sociale (22 June 2021) 🇫🇷
Knowing and understanding European philanthropy: Towards comparable data (16 April 2021)
Philanthropy, a path to empowerment for women? (10 December 2020)
Face au réchauffement climatique, que peut la philanthropie ? (15 September 2020) 🇫🇷
L'intelligence artificielle : défis et opportunités pour la philanthropie (5 May 2020) 🇫🇷
Vers une philanthropie stratégique : le cas de la Fondation Carasso (4 March 2020) 🇫🇷
Dans les coulisses de la collecte hors norme pour Notre-Dame de Paris (19 November 2019) 🇫🇷
The power of foundations: How should foundations influence public policies? (5 June 2019)
L’influence des fondations américaines dans l’enseignement supérieur africain (8 October 2018) 🇫🇷
Social Impact Bonds: Lessons learned and future directions (19 June 2018)
État et philanthropie en France depuis 1789 : une opposition factice ? (9 April 2018) 🇫🇷
L'impact des politiques fiscales sur la philanthropie (6 November 2017) 🇫🇷
Du bonheur d’être philanthrope : le don vu par l’économie du bonheur (20 June 2017) 🇫🇷
Standardiser la mesure d’impact social : peut-on parler le même langage ? (29 March 2017) 🇫🇷
Strategic giving: how can philanthropists design a strategy to achieve their goals? (14 June 2016)
La philanthropie à l’ère du Big Data : quand les données révolutionnent la collecte (9 March 2016) 🇫🇷
Où en est la venture philanthropy en France ? (28 January 2016) 🇫🇷
Philanthropists’ accountability in question: to whom, for what, and how? (9 December 2015)
Failures in philanthropy: an opportunity for collective progress (26 May 2015)
Philanthropy in the Arab region: tradition and renewal (1er April 2015)
Grandes fortunes et philanthropie en Europe du Nord (19 December 2014) 🇫🇷
Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur… l’engagement des collaborateurs (2 September 2014) 🇫🇷
Reforming education: what can philanthropy achieve ? (10 July 2014)
Family philanthropy today: A UK-France comparison (20 March 2014)
Philanthropie et entreprise sociale : comment accélérer la convergence ? (17 September 2013) 🇫🇷
Impact investing in Europe: How mature is the industry? (13 June 2013)
Développer le don par Internet : quelles perspectives pour les associations ? (10 April 2013) 🇫🇷
Philanthropy’s resilience in times of crisis: Lessons from Spain (13 February 2013)
Que nous dit la recherche académique sur le mécénat d'entreprise ? (10 December 2012) 🇫🇷
La philanthropie en Amérique : retour sur une histoire exceptionnelle (11 October 2012) 🇫🇷
Le mécénat doit-il être mis au service de la stratégie générale de l’entreprise ? (19 September 2012) 🇫🇷
Philanthropy rises in the East: Trends and challenges for Asian philanthropy (2 July 2012)
Investir dans l’entrepreneuriat social : est-ce rentable ? (16 May 2012) 🇫🇷
Les caisses d’épargne en France et en Italie : Un renouveau par la philanthropie ? (7 March 2012) 🇫🇷
What should a government do to encourage philanthropy and social investment? A look at the 'Big Society' policies in the UK (1er December 2011)
What does it mean to say that philanthropy is 'strategic'? Perspectives from the Netherlands (10 November 2011)
Is there a 'Rhine model' of philanthropy? How does it translate into impact assessment? (22 September 2011)
Que nous apprend le modèle américain pour développer la philanthropie en France ? (19 May 2011) 🇫🇷