French and transnational philanthropy


In a context where most of the research conducted on philanthropy is focused on the United States, it was crucial that the Philanthropy Chair conduct work to deepen our knowledge of this phenomenon in France.

What are the origins of philanthropy in France? How has it evolved and what are its characteristics today? How does this philanthropic tradition relate to others, particularly the American tradition?

This project aims to explore the specificities of French philanthropy. It also analyzes transnational philanthropy, notably through the analysis of the financing of French cultural institutions by wealthy American philanthropists.

Research subtopics: French philanthropy đŸ”č Transnational philanthropy

Academic publications

Monier, A. 2021. Philanthropes en 1900. Londres, New York, Paris, GenÚve: Christian Topalov, Créaphis

Monier, A. 2021. Philanthropes en 1900. Londres, New York, Paris, GenĂšve: Christian Topalov, CrĂ©aphis, 2019, 678 p., 35 €, ISBN : 978-2-3542-8137-3. Revue d'histoire de la protection sociale, 14, 166-169.

LefÚvre, S., & Monier, A. 2021. Philanthropes en démocratie.

LefÚvre, S., & Monier, A. 2021. Philanthropes en démocratie. Coll. La vie des idées, ed. Puf.

Monier, A. 2021. « Faire le bien » Ă  l’international ? Le manque de lĂ©gitimitĂ© des Amis AmĂ©ricains des institutions culturelles françaises

Monier, A. 2021. « Faire le bien » Ă  l’international ? Le manque de lĂ©gitimitĂ© des Amis AmĂ©ricains des institutions culturelles françaises, in Ruiz de Elvira Laura & Saeidnia Sahar Aurore, Les mondes de la bien-faisance. Les pratiques du bien au prisme des sciences sociales, CNRS Editions

Pache, A.-C., Delanoë, E., & Tompkins-Stange, M. 2020. A Community Foundation for the Nation.

Pache, A.-C., Delanoë, E., & Tompkins-Stange, M. 2020. A Community Foundation for the Nation. Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Monier, A. 2019. Nos chers "Amis amĂ©ricains", Une enquĂȘte sur la philanthropie transnationale.

Monier, A. 2019. Nos chers "Amis amĂ©ricains", Une enquĂȘte sur la philanthropie transnationale. Presses Universitaires de France.

Gautier, A. 2019. Historically contested concepts. A conceptual history of philanthropy in France, 1712-1914.

Gautier, A. 2019. Historically contested concepts. A conceptual history of philanthropy in France, 1712-1914. Theory and Society, 48(1), 95-129.

Monier, A. 2018. La relation philanthropique, un rapport de domination ? Le cas des Amis Américains des institutions culturelles françaises.

Monier, A. 2018. La relation philanthropique, un rapport de domination ? Le cas des Amis Américains des institutions culturelles françaises. Politix.

Monier, A. 2018. The role of social capital in transnational elite philanthropy. The example of the American Friends of French cultural institutions.

Monier, A. 2018. The role of social capital in transnational elite philanthropy. The example of the American Friends of French cultural institutions. Socio-Economic Review, 16(2), 387–410.

Monier, A. 2017. Le soutien des acteurs diplomatiques Ă  la philanthropie transnationale : la porositĂ© des frontiĂšres entre ‘public’ et ‘privé’.

Monier, A. 2017. Le soutien des acteurs diplomatiques Ă  la philanthropie transnationale : la porositĂ© des frontiĂšres entre ‘public’ et ‘privé’., NumĂ©ro 34.

Gautier, A., & de Nervaux, L. 2017. Research on giving in France

Gautier, A., & de Nervaux, L. 2017. Research on giving in France, ERNOP, 99-114.

Gautier, A., Pache, A.-C., & Mossel, V. 2015. Giving in France: A philanthropic renewal after decades of distrust

Gautier, A., Pache, A.-C., & Mossel, V. 2015. Giving in France: A philanthropic renewal after decades of distrust, Wiepking, P., Handy, F. (Eds.). 1st ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 137-154.


Additional resources

A French History of the Word Philanthropy - Infographic - ESSEC Philanthropy Chair.pdf