Impact of philanthropy


The development and professionalization of the philanthropy sector has gone hand in hand with an increase in the number of causes and charities to support. Today, it is about going beyond the subject of giving and looking at how to 'give well': not only must we ensure that donations have a positive impact on beneficiaries and society, but we must also ensure that we maximize their effectiveness.

What is the impact of philanthropy ? How can it be measured ? What is the purpose of impact measurements and what exactly do we want to measure? What are the different existing methods, their advantages and their limits ? How can you choose the most appropriate one for your project ?

Research subtopics: Evaluation & impact assessment🔹 Impact on beneficiaries🔹 Problematic donations

Academic publications

Molecke, G., Pache, & A.-C. 2019. How do we know when social innovation works? A review and contingency model of social impact assessment.

Molecke, G., Pache, & A.-C. 2019. How do we know when social innovation works? A review and contingency model of social impact assessment. In: Gerard George, Dean and Lee Kong Chian eds. Handbook of Inclusive Innovation: The Role of Organizations, Markets and Communities in Social Innovation. 1st ed. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 83-106.

Molecke, G., & Pinkse, J. 2017. Accountability for social impact: A bricolage perspective on impact measurement in social enterprises.

Molecke, G., & Pinkse, J. 2017. Accountability for social impact: A bricolage perspective on impact measurement in social enterprises. Journal of Business Venturing, Elsevier, vol. 32(5), 550-568.

Stievenart, E., & Pache, A.-C. 2014., Evaluer l'Impact social d'une entreprise sociale : points de repère.

Stievenart, E., & Pache, A.-C. 2014., Evaluer l'Impact social d'une entreprise sociale : points de repère. RECMA, Revenue Internationale de l'économie sociale, 331(1), 76-92.

Sandford, S., Pache, A.C., & Gautier, A. 2016. Donations within limits.

Sandford, S., Pache, A.C., & Gautier, A. 2016. Donations within limits. Stanford Social Innovation Review. 14(1), 20-25.

Articles for the public

Additional resources

EN - Infographic Social impact assessment methods.pdf
Lunch & Learn
Lunch & Learn

You can also watch the replay of our Lunch & Learn seminars: Standardiser la mesure d’impact social : peut-on parler le même langage ? (29 March 2017) 🇫🇷