Fundraising and social networks: the case of Facebook
Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 11
Fundraising and social networks: the case of Facebook - Abhishek Bhati & Diarmuid McDonnell
Social networks are often thought of as one-way communication channels. But can they also be used for fundraising, and how?
In this 11th episode, Anne Monier presents an article by Abhishek Bhati and Diarmuid McDonnell entitled "Success in an Online Giving Day: the Role of Social Media in Fundraising" and published in the NVSQ magazine. In it, the authors analyze the effectiveness of using Facebook during the Omaha Gives in the United States in 2015.
This podcast is only available in French.
The four main lessons of the article:
In this episode, Anne Monier revisits the four main ideas developed by Abhishek Bhati and Diarmuid McDonnell in their article "Success in an Online Giving Day: the Role of Social Media in Fundraising":
The three criteria for a successful fundraising campaign.
The criteria of the size of the organizations.
The criteria of the organization's activity and its causes.
The criteria of budget.
➡️ Listen to the whole episode to find out more!
Other articles on the topic
Bhati, A., McDonnell, D., "Success in an Online Giving Day : the Role of Social Media in Fundraising" , Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 49(1) 74 –92, 2020.
Adena, Maja & Hager, Anselm, 2020. "Does online fundraising increase charitable giving? A nation-wide field experiment on Facebook," Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Economics of Change SP II 2020-302, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
Di Lauro Stefano, Tursunbayeva Aizhan, Antonelli Gilda, « How Nonprofit Oragnizations Use Social Media for Fundraising : A Systematic Literature Review », International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.14, n°7, 2019.
Harris, E.E., Neely, D.G. & Saxton, G.D. Social media, signaling, and donations: testing the financial returns on nonprofits’ social media investment. Rev Account Stud (2021).
Salido-Andres, N., Rey-Garcia, M., Alvarez-Gonzalez, L.I. et al. When the winner takes it all: online campaign factors influencing the success of donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes . Int Rev Public Nonprofit Mark (2021).
"Réseaux sociaux, outil de communication ou levier d’optimisation des campagnes de dons des ONG ?", Association française des fundraisers, 2018.
"Les Français aiment voir leurs associations sur les réseaux sociaux… mais hésitent encore à y donner", Association française des fundraisers, 2017.
"Dons et réseaux sociaux, une nouvelle philanthropie pour une nouvelle génération de donateurs ?", Admical, 2020.
"La collecte de dons sur Facebook et Instagram – Dossier thématique", France Générosités, 2021
Other episodes with related themes
"Unpopular causes", Alison Body, Beth Breeze
Giving to the causes of women and girls, Dale, Ackerman, Mesch, Osili and Garcia
Fundraising in Times of Crisis, John Godfrey & Alexandra Williamson
Listen to all episodes of our podcast "Philanthropy in Question(s)"
Every last Wednesday of the month, in an episode of about 10 minutes, we share the discoveries of a researcher on philanthropy in France or internationally, all disciplines included. The goal? To give research a place in everyday life, to contribute to critical thinking and to shed light on societal issues through the prism of philanthropy. Dive with us into the heart of research on giving!
Also to be discovered: "Towards Strategic Philanthropy"
Based on interviews with philanthropists and professionals in the philanthropy sector, this podcast from the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair introduces you to the 5 key dimensions of philanthropy strategy: value, logical framework, style, time horizon and vehicle. The embodiment of the learnings from the book Towards Strategic Philanthropy published by Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache and Arthur Gautier at Odile Jacob in 2020. To your headphones!
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