Philanthropy in the media


Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 3

Philanthropy in the Media - Matthew Hale

Our third episode looks at the perception of philanthropy in the media. Anne Monier presents an article by Matthew Hale that examines how 9 major American newspapers report on philanthropic organizations. A topic that has not been explored much...

This podcast is only available in French.

The seven main ideas of the article:

In this episode, Anne Monier presents the seven key findings of the study, "Superficial Friends: A Content Analysis of Nonprofit and Philanthropy in Nine Major Newspapers," which can be summarized as follows:

  • Philanthropic organizations receive paradoxical media coverage.

  • There is a focus on local initiatives.

  • Fundraising is the most common topic when philanthropic organizations are discussed in the media.

  • The organizational characteristics of the philanthropic organization (size, number of employees, budget etc.) determine what the media will cover.

  • Papers that cover philanthropy focus more on individual organizations than on the nonprofit sector more generally.

  • Philanthropic organizations are more likely to get positive than negative coverage in the media.

  • Philanthropic organizations are as likely to be the primary focus of the story as the secondary focus.

➡️ Listen to the whole episode to find out more!

Other articles on the topic

  • Hale M., "Superficial Friends: A Contente Analysis of Nonprofit and Philanthropy in Nine Major Newspaper", Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quaterly, vol 36, n°3, 2007, pp 465-486 ;

  • Greenberg J. et Walters D., "Promoting philanthropy? News, Publicity and Voluntary Organizations in Canada", Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations, vol 15, n°4, 2004, pp 383-404 ;

  • Deacon D. et al., "Communicating Philanthropy: the Media and the Voluntary Sector in Britain", Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations, vol. 6 n°2, 1995, pp. 119-139 ;

  • Cagé J. et Huet B., L'information est un bien public. Refonder la propriété des médias, Seuil, 2021 ;

  • « Le mécénat et les médias », Edito Carenews, 21 juillet 2014 ;

  • Char A., « La philanthropie au secours du journalisme américain » , The Conversation, 21 juin 2018.

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