Stress and peer support in non-profit organizations
Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 21
Stress and peer support in non-profit organizations - McClure & Moore
As nonprofit workers experience significant stress, to what extent can relationships between colleagues play a role in coping with it?
This episode deals with a sensitive, important and under-researched topic: well-being at work in nonprofits and foundations. Anne Monier presents an article by April McClure and Mel Moore entitled "Stress and Peer Support among Non Profit Workers" (2021). The authors study peer relationships as a way to reduce stress in the workplace.
This episode should resonate with many of our listeners, in a sector full of passionate workers.
The three main results of the study:
Anne Monier highlights in this episode the three main results of the study presented by the authors in the article:
There is significant work-related stress among employees in the sector
This stress is often reduced by good relations between colleagues
Workplaces that foster relationships between colleagues have a positive impact on work-related stress
➡️ Listen to the episode above to learn more!
Other resources on the topic
Benz, M. (2005). “Not for the Profit, but for the Satisfaction? Evidence on Worker Well-being in Non-profit Firms”, KYKLOS: International Review for Social Sciences, 58(2): 155–76.
Cottin-Marx Simon, C’est pour la bonne cause, Les éditions de l’Atelier, 2021.
McMurray, A.,J., Pirola-Merlo, A., Sarros, J., C., Islam, M. (2010). “Leadership, Climate, Psychological Capital, Commitment, and Wellbeing in a Non-profit Organization”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal 31(5): 436–57.
Simonet Maud, Travail gratuit : la nouvelle exploitation ?, Textuel, 2018.
Russo Pascale Dominique, Souffrance en milieu engagé, Faubourg, 2020.
Zalzett Lily, Fihn Stella, Te plains pas, c’est pas l’usine, NietEditions, 2020.
« La souffrance au travail dans le secteur associatif, un sujet tabou ? », 4th episode of the "Question d'asso" podcast, 2021.
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