Trust-based philanthropy


Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 31

Trust-based philanthropy - Marie-Stéphane Maradeix

What is “trust-based philanthropy”? Is it merely a new concept designed to emphasize the importance of trust between foundations and the organizations they support, or does it mark a radical change in the way we approach the relationships between the various actors working to improve the state of the world?

As bearers of the public interest, foundations are on the front line when it comes to tackling social and environmental issues, and they should therefore remain trusted third parties among public-interest actors. Yet, for the most part, they are still vertical organizations, maintaining an asymmetry of power with beneficiary organizations. Even if trust does not exclude control, their current practices reflect risk aversion and a certain lack of trust in their beneficiaries.

In this 31st episode, we give the microphone to Marie-Stéphane Maradeix, PhD student at the Executive PhD program at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and Visiting PhD Fellow at the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair. She shares with us the initial thoughts arising from her thesis work on this subject.

The main ideas of the article:

Marie-Stéphane Maradeix develops three main ideas in this episode: 

➡️ Listen to the episode above to learn more!

Other resources on the topic

🔹 Alter R. et al. 2022. "Trust in philanthropy", Opusulum Nr. 161, Maecenata

🔹 Bradach J. et al. 2024. "The trust-based philanthropy conundrum: Toward donor-doer relationships that drive impact", The Bridgespan Group

🔹 Mayer R. et al. 1995. "An integrative model of organizational trust", Academy of Management Review

🔹 Keidan C. 2022. "Is the trust-based philanthropy bubble about to burst?", Alliance Magazine

Other episodes with related themes

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