Philanthropy and democracy
Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 5
Philanthropy and democracy - Sylvain A. Lefèvre & Anne Monier
What is the link between philanthropy and democracy? What is the role and legitimacy of philanthropy in addressing issues of public interest?
Anne Monier presents the book Philanthropists in Democracy, which she co-edited with Sylvain A. Lefèvre and published in April 2021 by Presses universitaires de France, in the collection "La vie des idées".
This podcast is only available in French.
The four main ideas of the article:
In this episode, Anne Monier reviews the four main chapters developed in her book Philanthropists in Democracy:
Chapter 1: "Philanthropy and electoral aggiornamento. The redeployment of elite strategies, 1815-1848", by Nagisa Mitsushima.
Chapter 2: "Practices of giving. Philanthropy in France and the United States", interviews with Anne Bory, Nicolas Guilhot, Sabine Rozier and Olivier Zunz, debate moderated by Pauline Peretz.
Chapter 3 : "The power of philanthropic billionaires in world politics", by Peter Hägel.
Chapter 4: "Do philanthropists love the planet? Capitalism, climate change and philanthropy", by Edouard Morena.
➡️ Listen to the whole episode to find out more!
Other articles on the topic
Lefèvre S.A. et Monier A.(dir.), Philanthropes en démocratie, coll. La vie des idées, Puf, 2021.
Cagé J., Le prix de la démocratie, Paris, Fayard, 2018.
Duvoux N., « Les valeurs de la philanthropie », Informations sociales, 2018/1-2, p.38-46.
Giridharadas A., Winners Take All. The Elite Charade of Changing the World, New York, Knopf Doubleday, 2018.
Lambelet A., La philanthropie, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014.
Ostrower F., Why the Wealthy Give : The Culture of Elite Philanthropy, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1997.
Reich R., Just Giving. Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How it Can Do Better, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2018.
L'édition Spéciale « philanthropie et démocratie » du PhiLab (le réseau canadien de recherche partenariale sur la philanthropie).
Interview de Rob REICH par Laure ANDRILLON, « La philanthropie n’est pas toujours l’amie de l’égalité, c’est aussi un exercice de pouvoir » , interview de Rob REICH par Laure ANDRILLON, Libération, 25 janvier 2019.
« Fondations privées : la santé sous perfusion », épisode 2 de la série "Aide Internationale : la nouvelle donne", Cultures Monde, France Culture : interview d'Anne Monier et de Philippe Ryfman par Florian Delorme.
Other episodes with related themes
Philanthropy and International Relations (Deniz Kuru)
Advocacy for research (Anne Monier)
Climate philanthropy (Edouard Morena)
A look at Saudi philanthropy (Amélie Le Renard)
Symbolic capital and corporate philanthropy: the example of Russian theatres (Shymko, Roulet, Pimentel)
Teaching philanthropy (Lindsey McDougle)
Philanthropy and urban governance (Pablo Fuentenebro & Michele Acuto)
Philanthropy and gender politics (Kristin Goss)
Listen to all episodes of our podcast "Philanthropy in Question(s)"
Every last Wednesday of the month, in an episode of about 10 minutes, we share the discoveries of a researcher on philanthropy in France or internationally, all disciplines included. The goal? To give research a place in everyday life, to contribute to critical thinking and to shed light on societal issues through the prism of philanthropy. Dive with us into the heart of research on giving!
Also to be discovered: "Towards Strategic Philanthropy"
Based on interviews with philanthropists and professionals in the philanthropy sector, this podcast from the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair introduces you to the 5 key dimensions of philanthropy strategy: value, logical framework, style, time horizon and vehicle. The embodiment of the learnings from the book Towards Strategic Philanthropy published by Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache and Arthur Gautier at Odile Jacob in 2020. To your headphones!
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