Teaching philanthropy


Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 16

Teaching philanthropy - Lindsey McDougle

How can philanthropy be taught?

In this episode, Anne Monier, researcher at the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair, presents an article by Lindsey McDougle on the subject of teaching philanthropy in higher education in the United States.

This opinion paper is not about teaching fundraising, but about teaching the act of giving itself. More specifically, the researcher looks at experiential philanthropy as a pedagogical strategy and its necessary inclusivity.

An exciting episode for anyone interested in the topic of philanthropy education.

This podcast is only available in French.

The five main ideas of the article:

In this episode, Anne Monier sums up the ideas developed by Lindsey McDougle in her article :

  • Experiential philanthropy is an interesting educational strategy, but one that shows limitations.

  • Philanthropy education focuses too much on the archetypal image of the philanthropist.

  • Other forms of philanthropy need to be highlighted.

  • It is important to incorporate a more diverse and inclusive vision of philanthropy.

  • Conveying a more diverse and inclusive vision of philanthropy will enable students to become engaged citizens in their society and contribute to democratic life.

➡️ Listen to the episode above to learn more!

Other articles on the topic

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Every last Wednesday of the month, in an episode of about 10 minutes, we share the discoveries of a researcher on philanthropy in France or internationally, all disciplines included. The goal? To give research a place in everyday life, to contribute to critical thinking and to shed light on societal issues through the prism of philanthropy. Dive with us into the heart of research on giving!

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Podcast Vers une philanthropie stratégique

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