Towards Strategic Philanthropy


We are pleased to present the first podcast of the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair, "Vers une philanthropie stratégique" ("Towards Strategic Philanthropy")!

Through the testimonies of 10 French philanthropists and the insights of professors Anne-Claire Pache and Arthur Gautier, each of the 5 episodes of this series illustrates the different dimensions of strategy in philanthropy. In their book Vers une philanthropie stratégique (Towards Strategic Philanthropy) published by Odile Jacob in 2020, Professors Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache and Arthur Gautier have adapted Peter Frumkin's book The Essence of Strategic Giving (2010) to the French context. Because philanthropy is above all a story of men and women, this podcast gives voice to these concepts, embodies the diversity of possible approaches and shows how a philanthropic strategy is concretely built.

Discover without further delay the first episodes of this new series!

The podcast is only available in French.

Discover the episodes of "Towards Strategic Philanthropy"

💞 Value

"What value do I want to create for society and for myself?", "What is my goal?", "What positive change do I want to bring about?"

Listen to the episode "Value"

🏦 Vehicle

"What is the best vehicle to distribute my donations and achieve my goals?" "Will I give directly to beneficiaries or go through a legal structure (foundation, endowment fund or association for example)?"

🎧 Listen to the episode "Vehicle"

"When and how often should I give? Will my donation be more valuable today or tomorrow?"

🎧 Listen to the episode "Time horizon"

👤 Style

"What level of engagement and visibility do I want for my donation?"

🎧 Listen to the episode "Style"

"Who to give to?", "How to give?", "How to maximise the impact of my donation?"

🎧 Listen to the episode "Logical model"

Find all the episodes and their descriptions on the podcast page or on your favorite listening platform:

Livre Vers une philanthropie stratégique

A guide for philanthropists and philanthropy professionals, which provides an in-depth analysis of the concepts introduced in the podcast. Check it out now!

Podcast La philanthropie en question(s)

Our monthly podcast!

Through the eyes of researcher Anne Monier, discover the major results of research on philanthropy, which shed light on our giving practices.

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Notes et avis - Podcasts Chaire Philanthropie

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La philanthropie en question(s) - Soundcloud - Podcast

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Your opinions and sharing are key to maximising their impact and raising public awareness of the issues surrounding donations, fundraising, patronage, generosity... philanthropy in general.