Community Foundations
Podcast "Philanthropy in question(s)" - Episode 28
Community foundations - Jenny Harrow, Tobias Jung and Susan Phillips
Hybrid, complex, with multiple and sometimes contradictory objectives: what are territorial foundations really all about? Although they may be characterized by their agility in serving a community, the agile may also be fragile.
In this episode, Anne Monier presents an article by Jenny Harrow, Tobias Jung and Susan Phillips from their 2016 book The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy, entitled "Community Foundations: Agility in the Duality of Foundation and Community".
The authors question the model of community foundations, exploring the potential of these structures, but also the contradictions and challenges they face.
The main ideas of the article:
In this episode, Anne Monier presents the main ideas of this research:
The nature of community foundations is ambiguous: are they a "model" or rather a philanthropic "movement"?
Community foundations face a paradox: should they really serve the interests of donors or those of the community?
The governance and leadership practices of community foundations intend to distinguish themselves from traditional approaches, but are still struggling in this respect.
➡️ Listen to the episode above to learn more!
Other resources on the topic
Gianfaldoni, P., Manoury, L. 2019. La contribution de la Fondation de France aux processus territorialisés et territorialisants d’innovation sociale, Innovations, 2019/2 (N° 59), pp. 103-127.
Millesen, J.L., Martin, E.C. 2014. Community Foundation Strategy: Doing Good and the Moderating Effects of Fear, Tradition, and Serendipity. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, vol. 43(5), pp. 832–849
Mazany, T. , Perry, D.C. 2014. The Second Century: Community Foundations as Foundations of Community. In Here for Good: Community Foundations and the Challenges of the 21st Century, London, UK: Routledge, pp. 17-40.
Durfort, B., Ilutiu, A. 2021. Etude « Fondations territoriales ». Etat des lieux et questionnements, DIPTIC.
"Fondations territoriales : une alliance gagnante pour les territoires et les entreprises", Carenews, October 2023
"Local philanthropy and community foundations in European capital cities: challenges and opportunities", European Community Foundation Initiative et Fondazione Charlemagne, January 2024
Other episodes with related themes
Philanthropy and democracy (Sylvain A. Lefèvre, Anne Monier)
Philanthropy and urban governance (Pablo Fuentenebro & Michele Acuto)
The impact of major events on corporate philanthropy (Andra Tilcsik & Christopher Marquis)
Conservative foundations and climate skepticism spreading (Natalie Rauscher)
Listen to all episodes of our podcast "Philanthropy in Question(s)"
Every last Wednesday of the month, in an episode of about 10 minutes, we share the discoveries of a researcher on philanthropy in France or internationally, all disciplines included. The goal? To give research a place in everyday life, to contribute to critical thinking and to shed light on societal issues through the prism of philanthropy. Dive with us into the heart of research on giving!
Also to be discovered: "Towards Strategic Philanthropy"
Based on interviews with philanthropists and professionals in the philanthropy sector, this podcast from the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair introduces you to the 5 key dimensions of philanthropy strategy: value, logical framework, style, time horizon and vehicle. The embodiment of the learnings from the book Towards Strategic Philanthropy published by Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache and Arthur Gautier at Odile Jacob in 2020. To your headphones!
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