
Arthur Gautier

Chair Holder

Arthur Gautier is an Associate Professor at ESSEC Business School in the Corporate Law and Environment Department. Since the end of 2023, he has succeeded Anne-Claire Pache as Holder of the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair, of which he has been Executive Director since its creation in 2011. 

Arthur Gautier teaches at the Grande Ecole and at ESSEC Executive Education. From 2016 to 2021, he was also Academic Director of the Certificat Français du Fundraising.

A graduate of the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers (2005), he holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris (2009). 

His research focuses on philanthropy and private initiatives in the public interest, using organisational, sociological, psychological and historical perspectives. He studies the emergence and institutionalisation of philanthropy and corporate philanthropy from a conceptual and practical perspective. He is also interested in hybrid philanthropic practices that combine several logics, such as impact investment, participatory financing and shareholder foundations.

He was previously head of Admical's publications and events department and a consultant in cultural project management.

Other team members

Executive Director

Anne-Claire Pache

Anne-Claire PACHE
Affiliated Professor


Gaétane Marchand

Project Manager in Dissemination