Philanthropy in question(s)


"Philanthropy in question(s)" is the monthly podcast of the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair. 

Every last Wednesday of the month, in about 10 minutes, we share the discoveries of a researcher on philanthropy in France or internationally, across all disciplines. Our goal? Give a place to research in everyday life to help nourish critical thinking and deepen the issues related to philanthropy. Dive into research on philanthropy with us! 

This podcast is only available in French. 

What is philanthropy? Why and how is it studied? More importantly, why are we inviting you to join us in exploring the questions and issues raised by research on philanthropy?

In this introductory episode, Anne-Claire Pache, Arthur Gautier and Anne Monier from the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair tell us all about the origins of the Chair, the ways in which philanthropy has been studied through research and the purpose of this podcast.

Listen to our last episode!

Discover all the episodes of the "Philanthropy in question(s)" podcast

You can also find all the episodes and their descriptions on the Ausha page of the podcast or your favorite platform:

Spotify podcast La philanthropie en question(s)
Soundcloud podcast La philanthropie en question(s)
Apple Podcasts La philanthropie en question(s)
Deezer podcast La philanthropie en question(s)
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Google podcast La philanthropie en question(s)
Podcast Vers une philanthropie stratégique

 Based on interviews with philanthropists and professionals from the sector, this podcast from the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair introduces you to the 5 key dimensions of philanthropy strategy. Get your headphones on!